How to enter

1. Please provide a comprehensive overview, up to 1000 words, of your role as a fitness/health influencer. Describe your passion for fitness and wellness, the platforms you utilise to share your knowledge, and the positive impact you aim to make on your audience’s well-being.

2. Showcase your expertise and motivational skills by sharing specific examples of your most inspiring fitness and health-related content. Highlight your ability to provide valuable workout routines, nutrition advice, and lifestyle tips that empower your audience to lead healthier and more active lives.

3. How has your influence as a fitness/health influencer transformed the lives of your followers? Share measurable outcomes such as improved fitness levels, positive lifestyle changes, or testimonials from individuals who have been positively influenced by your content and guidance.

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About You

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Your Entry

Please ensure that your entry adheres to the word limit of 1000 words and that any supporting evidence is included as attachments or hyperlinks within your submission.

Supporting Documents

Upload any supporting documentation or files using the fields below.