1. Please provide a comprehensive overview, up to 1000 words, of your role as a food influencer. Describe your passion for food, the unique perspective you bring to the culinary world, and the platforms you utilise to inspire and engage your audience.

2. Showcase your expertise and creativity by sharing specific examples of your most remarkable food-related content. Highlight your ability to create visually appealing recipes, offer valuable cooking tips, and share captivating food experiences that resonate with your followers.

3. How has your influence as a food influencer impacted your audience and the culinary community? Share measurable outcomes such as increased engagement, recipe adoption, or positive feedback from your audience, as well as any notable collaborations or achievements that demonstrate your influence within the food industry.

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Your Entry

Please ensure that your entry adheres to the word limit of 1000 words and that any supporting evidence is included as attachments or hyperlinks within your submission.

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